Pw and more pw!
It's been such a long time since I last blogged. Needless to say, it's because of that irritating pw. After the 5th of November (next Monday), I'll be free again, at least for some time that is. Till then, blogging will be placed on the side bench. I don't know, it seems that everybody hates pw. To think of it, 50% of the conflicts that arise in my class are actually related to pw. You can imagine how much trouble pw causes. Without it, our lives would be considerably easier. The reason why pw can wreck havoc in a seemingly bonded class is very simple. If there were no pw, we wouldn't have to really work together as a team to produce something at the end. The fact is the kind of interaction involved among people (the very nature in which projects are carried out) and the shared workload and what not often bring out and highlight our true colours. In other words, pw kind of showcases the negative aspects of people's characters, which wouldn't have been emphasised under normal circumstances. We are more or less placed in the limelight, where group members scrutinise one another's actions. Moreover, in pw there are bound to be miscommunication and these can turn out pretty ugly. I guess pw does involve unnecessary negative emotions. Well, we're all looking at the big picture though - it's an 'A' Level exam. If there's one thing we have to learn from pw, it's got to be looking forward and not giving up, even if we're faced with fierce and unpleasant tussles with our group members. After a quarrel with an unreasonable member, we forget about it and when the next meeting arrives, we just pretend as if nothing ever happened. Sounds controlled? That's the way it is - we're controlling for our sake.